Solutions for a
Sustainable South Florida
A Large Consortia for South Florida
Co-creation of a Sustainable Ecosystem
Envisioned as a space for multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration.
A large consortia offers great opportunities to address complex problems and devise integrated sustainable solutions.
Private, public and nonprofit entities
Philanthropic and financial institutions WHO
Academia, schools, community leaders
Entrepreneurs, youth activists, advocates
Media and communications entreprises
Envisioned as a space for multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration.
A large consortia offers great opportunities to address complex problems and devise integrated sustainable solutions.
Private, public and nonprofit entities
Philanthropic and financial institutions WHO
Academia, schools, community leaders
Entrepreneurs, youth activists, advocates
Media and communications entreprises
WHY SDGs Consortium
Greater Miami is the second-most unequal large metro in the nation. Miami’s economy is dominated by its low-paid service class. Poverty is widespread, it has stark racial dimensions.
Miami still ranks among the most segregated cities in the country, opportunities in the tech sector are still stratified along racial lines.
Seas are projected to rise in Miami-Dade County by more than 15 inches in the next 30 years, increasing flood risk further inland and with greater frequency.
Communities of color will likely bear the heaviest burden from the changes wrought by climate change, including more deaths from extreme heat and property loss from flooding in the wake of sea-level rise.
A thriving SDG Consortium must be diverse, inclusive, intentional and collaborative.
Multiplicity of stakeholders are invited with the intent to create, accelerate and scale SDGs initiatives and solutions that must balance social, environmental & economic sustainability
Areas of Work
Joint Action
Capacity Building
Leadership Development
Solution-Driven Agenda
Equity Lens to Sustainability
Issue-Based Approach
Community of Practice
Collaborative Spaces
Local Voices & Leaders
SDGs Best Practices
Resource Sharing
Accountability Mechanisms
Areas of Work
Capacity Building
Leadership Development
Solution-Driven Agenda
Equity Lens to Sustainability
Issue-Based Approach
Joint Action
Community of Practice
Collaborative Spaces
Local Voices & Leaders
SDGs Best Practices
Resource Sharing
Accountability Mechanisms
“The seventeen Sustainable Development Goalsare our shared vision of humanity and a social contract between the world’s leaders and the people,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moonsaid of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmentadopted unanimously by 193 Heads of Stateat the United Nations Headquarters in New York in September 2015.
TheSDGsare a to-do list for people and planet. The 17 global goals and 169 targets aim to wipe out poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate changeover the next 15 years.