SIM Social Impact Movement

Get Involved


When you select Social Impact Movement as your chosen charity, Amazon is donating 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.

Create your Social Impact legacy by supporting the growth of the #SDGsInMiami.

Clients of Schwab Charitable, you can easily support Social Impact Movement and make a designation using Donor Advised Funds (DAFs).

Be a SIM Ambassador

Now is the perfect time to connect your SOCIAL IMPACT with the Sustainable Development Goals in Miami.

How to keep yourself safe during COVID-19

Find out how can you protect yourself and support the global goals during this time of pandemic.

Share your impact

At Social Impact Movement we bridges ideas, people, information and resources of social-related themes, connecting Miami Social Impact Leaders and change makers to global topics.

Would you like to share your impact story?

Feel free to write over a topic you consider IMPORTANT for you as an INSPIRATION for others to TAKE ACTION on something good. #myimpactstory

Send email with (400 words min) to with some *pics, video, audio to get your story featured. (Be creative! Use your talent, pic collage, powerpoint, canvas, graphic design, ETC…)